6. ECAL Digital Marekt: Solid Frame

Picture frame made by Foamlabs’s 3D printer
Solid Frame is a 3d printed picture frame which can be used in both of ways, free standing and hanging. By having a diamond shape cut on the back, users can hang on the wall with a nail in both positions ; landscape or portrait. Thanks for the 3d printing technology, it is printed in black solid without any seam line which means the product doesn’t need to be assembled to use like general picture frames. With the very thin gap (1mm) on the top, users easily put a picture into the frame. It is available with two different size ; large and small. Large model is for regular printed photos (3x5 inch) and small model is for passport photo size.

In partnership with the 3D printing company Formlabs, ECAL Master Product Design students present a range of innovative everyday life objects, produced through a print farm within the exhibition and sold directly on site.
The project looks into the possibilities of production on demand. It examines the changing environment of manufacturing processes, it emphasizes how fast and transparent today’s design industry could become, and experiments with new design details that are too intricate to achieve with traditional manufacturing techniques.
